Songteksten van Gottalife Singers

A Rat! I Think I Saw a Rat!
African Song
All About You
All Alone
All the Angels in Heaven Above
All the World Loves Music
All was still Over Bethlehem
American Song
An Angel Came to Mary
Another Day
Are You Ready Little Neddy
Ask and it Will be Given
Be a Friend
Bow Down in Wonder
C is for Christmas
Can you see the lights of Bethlehem
Celebrate the Joy of Christmas
Children all around the world
Children are you Ready to Play
Chinese Song
Christmas is giving to one another
Come Ye men and Come Ye maidens
Come and dance to the rhythm
Come and gaze upon Jesus
Come and taste the Joy of Christmas
Come into the stable
Come on children lets obey
Come with me tonight
Consider the birds of the heavens
I am a courageous prince
I am the highest
I am the king
I give to you this day
I just ain't funny no more
I know a lot of people
I need a name
I saw everything that happened
I see reindeer flying
I want to be a superstar
I want to live my life
I will show my colours bright
I won't give up
I worship you, you are the mighty God
I would like to tell you all a story
I'll be a dad to the baby
I'll do whatever you ask me to do
I'll reach out the hand of peace
I'm gonna catch that shadow
I'm the individual
I'm trusting you Lord
I've been holding on to a promise
I've been out-witted
I've got more than you
In a dark and lowly stable
In a funny kind of way I'm unique
In the Summer, in the Summer
In the fullness of time
In twenty years from now
Indian Song
It will soon be Christmas time
It's a strange sort of night
It's all in your hands
It's been a long and dusty road
It's getting rather spooky in here
It's good to be alive
It's the simple things in our lives
Jesus you're all I need
Jump, jump, jump up and down
Let Christmas bells ring out
Let all the earth rejoice
Let the good news
Let the seed of faith within me grow
Let us all join hands together
Let us work today
Life is so amazing
Life's a masterpiece of colour
Light of the world shine on me
Lord I give to you the highest praise
Mary was an ordinary lady
May your joy be in my heart
Money, money
Now I am a rat
Now it not always an easy road
Now this adventure has come to an end
Now this is the season
O star, O star
Oh the beauty
Oh what a wonder
On this wedding day
One day can easily change from another
One step at a time
One together, one together
Only twenty more miles to go
Our class is a community
Pass it on
People gathered here today
People rise up and take the challenge
Please have mercy on me
Positive attitude
Ready for all to see
Resurrection Song
Ring out the bells of celebration
Rising crashing
Seasons Song
See the snowflakes
See the storm clouds
Shake the hand
Share your love don't keep it to yourself
Shepherds are watching
Shepherds were sitting on a hill
Sing Out at Christmas
So many Christmas presents
Spanish Song
Spring turns to summer
Star of wonder
Starlight, why do you shine so brightly
Sunlight, sunlight
Teach me Lord to be thankful
Teach me always to remember
Tell me are you ready for another day?
Ten tiny fingers
Thank you Lord for everything
The first stage of Christmas
The greatest gift of all is love
The heat is rising
The hustle and bustle of Christmas time
The season of Winter
The time has come to say goodbye
There are values
There's a rhythm
There's a song on my lips
There's one little star
There's something amazing going on
These are the values, the values of life
These hands can do so much
They say I am a nasty witch
This is a new day
This is the one
This is the place
This is the time and the season
Time keeps ticking
Time's been moving on
We want to thank you Lord for the harvest